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Learn to Speak - Basic English Conversation : Travelling

 Learn to Speak - Basic English Conversation : Travelling

    Immigration and Customs

    Agent :Good afternoon. May I see your passport please?
    Alex :Yes, here it is, and here’s my visa.
    Agent :Thank you. You have a tourist visa for three months.
    Alex :Yes, that’s right. I plan to travel some in the U.S.
    Agent : Where are you going?
    Alex : I’m going to spend some time in Atlanta. After that, I’m going to Washington,
    Chicago, and California.
    Agent : All right. Enjoy your stay!
    Agent : Hi! Anything to declare?
    Alex : Excuse me? I don’t understand.
    Agent : Do you have any valuables or alcohol to declare?
    Alex : No, nothing at all
    Agent : O.K. You can go ahead.
    Alex : Thank you

    Vocabulary, Spelling And Pronunciation
    May : Boleh
    Plan : Merencanakan
    Travel : Perjalanan
    Spend : Menghabiskan
    Enjoy : Menikmati
    Declare : Menyatakan
    Valuable : Berharga
    Nothing at all : Tidak sama sekali
    Go ahead : Lanjut
    Anything : Sesuatu
    Traveler : Orang yang bepergian
    Valuable : Bernilai, Value (Nilai)
    Enjoyable : Bisa dinikmati
    Enjoyment : kenikmatan
    Plan : Merancanakan, Rencana
    Declare : Mendeklerasikan
    Declaration : Deklarasi
    Nothing : Not anything

    Changing Money

    Alex : Hello. I’d like to change some money into U.S. currency, please.
    Bank Teller : Certainly. Do you have cash or traveler’s checks?
    Alex : Traveler’s checks. Here they are.
    Bank Teller : May I see your passport please?
    Alex : Of course.
    Bank Teller : Let’s see. That adds up to $1,250.00.
    : Would you like it in any special denomination?
    Alex : I beg your pardon?
    Bank Teller : How would you like your money? In twenties, fifties, or hundred dollar bills?
    Alex : A hundred dollars in twenties and the rest in hundred dollar bills, please.

    Vocabulary, Spelling And Pronunciation
    Change : Menukar
    Some : Beberapa
    Currency : Mata Uang
    Certainly : Tentu saja
    Check : Check
    Add : Menambah
    Denomination : Pecahan
    Beg : Mengemis
    Pardon me : Maaf
    Bills : Rekening, tagihan, bonCatatan:

    I would like to = I want to = Mau
    Would like to (Sopan), want to (Umum, biasa)
    I would like = I’d like
    I would like to meet you = I want to meet you
    I would like you to meet me = I want you to meet me
    I beg your pardon = Maaf! Ulangi lagi... (digunakan jika kita tidak menangkap apa yang lawan bicara kita katakan)

    Public Transportation

    Agent :May I help you?
    Alex :Yes, thanks.
    :I’m staying at the Peachtree Plaza in town. What’s the best way to get there?
    Agent :You can take a cab, bus, limo, or hotel shuttle.
    Alex :What do you recommend?
    Agent :That depends. A cab is faster but more expensive.
    The bus is cheaper but a little slow.
    It would probably be a good idea to take your hotel shuttle.
    Alex :All right. Where do I catch it?
    Agent :Just go through those doors and look for the shuttle sign.
    When it comes by, wave and the driver will pick you up.
    Alex :How much does it cost?
    Agent :It’s a courtesy shuttle, so it’s free. You can tip the driver, if you want.
    Alex :Thank you for your help.

    Vocabulary, Spelling And Pronunciation
    Town : Kota
    More : Lebih
    Get : Mendapatkan
    Catch : Menangkap
    Recommend : Rekomendasi
    Pick you up : Menjemput
    Depend : Tergantung
    Wave : Melambai,glombng
    Cheap : Murah
    Free : Gratis, bebas
    Cheap : Murah
    Cheaper : Lebih murah
    The Cheapest : Paling murah
    Fast : Cepat
    Faster : Lebih cepat
    The fastest : tercepat
    Expensive : Mahal
    More expensive : Lebih mahal
    The most expensive : Paling mahal

    Checking into a Hotel

    Desk Clerk : Welcome to the Peachtree Plaza. Do you have a reservation?
    Alex : Yes, I do. I’ll be staying for two or three days.
    Desk Clerk : What is your name?
    Alex : Alex Smith.
    Desk Clerk : Are you here for business or pleasure?
    Alex : Could you please speak more slowly?
    Desk Clerk : Is this a business trip or just a vacation?
    Alex : Both, actually.
    : My uncle died recently in Atlanta. I’ve come to take care of his estate.
    Desk Clerk : I’m sorry for your loss. We’ll make your stay here as worry-free as possible.
    Alex : Thank you.
    Desk Clerk : We have room 758 reserved for you. Will you be paying with cash or a credit card?
    Alex : A credit card. Here it is. What’s the rate?
    Desk Clerk : $129.00 per night. There’s also a complimentary continental breakfast.
    I need to make an imprint of your credit card.
    Alex : How do I get to my room?
    Desk Clerk : Take the elevator on the right to the seventh floor, and turn to your left after you
    exit the elevator. The room will be on your right. A bellman will bring up your bags.

    Vocabulary, Spelling And Pronunciation
    Welcome : Menyambut
    Worry-free : Bebas dari kwatir
    Stay : Tinggal
    Reserved : Reservasi
    Business : Bisnis
    Pay : Membayar
    Vacation : Liburan
    Rate : Tingkat
    Recently : Akhir akhir ini
    Continental : Benua

    Making an International Call

    Operator : How may I help you?
    Alex : I’d like to make an international call, please.Operator : You can dial directly from your room if you like.
    Alex : I’m sorry, I don’t understand what to do.
    Operator : Just hang up, then dial 011, your country and city codes, and your number.
    Alex : O.K. Thanks for your help.
    Operator : You’re welcome. Would you like to charge the call to your room or pay with
    a credit card?
    Alex : To my room.
    Operator : All right. I’ll take care of it for you. Have a nice evening.

    Vocabulary, Spelling And Pronunciation
    Call : Menelpon
    Country : Negara
    Dial : Memutar no telp
    Charge :Biaya
    Directly : Secara langsung
    Help :Membantu
    Understand : Mengerti
    Nice : Enak
    Hung Up : Meletakan
    Evening : Malam
    Your are welcome : Terima kasih kembali
    Have a nice evening : Semoga Malam Anda menyenangkan


    Renting a Car

    Alex : I’d like to rent a car for several weeks.
    Rental Agent : Do you have a reservation?
    Alex : No, I don’t.
    Rental Agent : All right, I’ll see what we have available. Would you like a subcompact, compact,
    midsized, or luxury car?
    Alex : I don’t need much room, just good fuel economy and safety. What do you
    Rental Agent : I have a minivan ready. Would that be all right?
    Alex : Fine. How much does it cost?
    Rental Agent : Well, if you’re renting for a week or more, I would recommend our unlimited
    mileage plan.
    Alex : How does it work?
    Rental Agent : You pay a flat rate for the week and you can drive as much as you want. You can
    also drop off the car at any of our agencies nationwide. You’ll start off with a full
    tank of gas. Try to fill it up just before you drop off the car,
    Because we charge more than a regular gas station.
    Alex : OK, I’ll take it. Where do I sign?

    Vocabulary, Spelling And Pronunciation
    Rent : Menyewa
    Recommend : Rekomendsi
    Reservation : Pesanan tempat
    Mileage : Jarak mil
    Available : Siap/Ada
    Pay : Mambayar
    Drop : Menjatuhkan
    Sign : Menandai
    Safety : Keselamatan
    Fill it up : Mengisi
    Cost : berharga/harga/biaya
    Payment : Pembayaran
    Safety first : Utamakan keselamatan

    Asking for Directions

    Agent : Good morning. Can I help you?
    Alex : I’m trying to figure out the best way to get to Washington, D.C.
    Agent : Are you driving or flying?
    Alex : I’m driving. My car’s parked outside.
    Agent : You have two options. The first is to take Interstate 85 north through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.
    Alex : What’s the other option?
    Agent : You could also take I-75 north through Georgia into Tennessee. In Tennessee, you pick up I-81 which will take you into Virginia. You then take I-66 to Washington.
    Alex :Is there a difference in distance between the two?
    Agent : I-85 is somewhat shorter, but it’s not as scenic, and there’s usually a lot more traffic.
    Alex : How do I pick up I-85 in Atlanta?
    Agent : Just head north on the freeway until you reach the I-285 beltway. Then follow the signs.
    Alex : By the way, do you have any information about the Washington, D.C. area?
    Agent : Sure. Here’s a packet of brochures. Do you need a hotel reservation?
    Alex : No thanks. I’ve already made one.

    Vocabulary, Spelling and Pronunciation
    Figure out : mengambarkan
    Difference : Perbedaan
    Driving : Mengendara
    Shorter : Lebih pendek
    Option : Pilihan
    Scenic : Indah/permai
    Interstate : Antar negara Bgn
    Reach : menggapai
    Through : selesai, terus
    Signs : Menandai

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