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El Musthafa - Yayasan Pendidikan dan Amal Sholeh

Speaking and Conversation ideas

Speaking and Conversation ideas

Hal yang sangat penting untuk memulai sebuah percakapan adalah tentang ide pembicaraan.Berikut ini adalah topik - topik yang bisa digunakan untuk memulai percakapan bahasa Inggris, selamat belajar!

    A. TALKING ABOUT DAILY ACTIVITY (Kegiatan Sehari hari)

    1. Do you get up early every morning?
    2. What time do you usually go to bed?
    3. Do you watch TV before sleeping?
    4. What do you usually do in the morning?
    5. Do you like sport?
    6. What sport do you like?
    7. What do you usually do when long holiday?
    8. Do you study English at your school?
    9. Do you have pets?
    10. What do you always do on Sundays?

    B. TALKING ABOUT LEARNING ENGLISH (Belajar Bahasa Inggris)

    1. Do you learn English everyday?
    2. What makes you learn English?
    3. Is English important for you?
    4. Do you enjoy your English class?
    5. Do you memorize many English vocabularies?
    6. Do you practice your English with your friends?
    7. Do you speak other languages? Sundanese, Javanese?
    8. Do you find difficulty when learning English?
    9. What do you think about English grammar? Is it easy to understand?
    10. What do you usually do if you don’t understand English lessons?
    11. Do you always ask your English teacher when learning at your class?
    12. What do you like to learn more, Speaking or grammar lessons?

    C. TALKING ABOUT PLAN AND DREAM (Rencana dan Cita Cita)

    1. Do you have special dream?
    2. Could you tell me your dream?
    3. What is your planning after you finish your study?
    4. What have you done for your better life?
    5. Have you prepared well for your dream?
    6. Do your parents know and support your dream?
    7. Why do you dream to be…?
    8. Do you success partners for your dream?
    9. Do your friends know about your dream?
    10. What is the biggest challenge for reaching your dream?
    11. What are the challenges to get your dream?
    12. Do you always pray for your success?

    D. TALKING ABOUT PARENTS (Tentang Orang Tua)

    1. Do you still have parents?
    2. Do you love them very much?
    3. Do they always give you what you need?
    4. What does your father do everyday?
    5. What does your mother do?
    6. Can your parents speak English or arabic?
    7. Do you think that they have given you the best onee?
    8. Do you always share your problem to them?
    9. Do you think that your parents are rich?
    10. How old are your parents?
    11. Do they love you?
    12. What have you given to make them happy?
    13. Do they motivate you to learn harder?
    14. Do you have brothers and sisters? How many?

    E. TALKING ABOUT HEALTH (Tentang kesehatan)

    1. Do you think you are a healthy person?
    2. How often do you get sick in a typical year?
    3. Do you usually eat healthy food? Describe it!
    4. Do you know anyone who is often sick? Why do you think they are sick?
    5. How often do you get headaches or stomach-aches?
    6. Do you exercise regularly? What kind of exercise do you do? Or what kind do you like?
    7. Do you ever take vitamin pills? Why or why not?
    8. Do you know anyone who is very overweight? Do you consider that person to be healthy?
    9. What are some general tips that we can all follow to keep healthy?
    10. How much should we exercise in order to stay healthy? Be specific.
    11. How much does stress affect our health? What can we do about stress in order to stay healthy?
    12. How important is sleep for our health? Why?

    F. TALKING ABOUT FAMILIES (Tentang Keluarga)

    1. Do you have a large family or a small family?
    2. Do you have a big "extended family" (including aunts, uncles and cousins)?
    3. Do you resemble (look like) one of your parents or grandparents?
    4. What do your parents do?
    5. How many children does the average family have in your country?
    6. How well do you get along with your brothers and sisters?
    7. Does your family ever push you to do things or act in a certain way?
    8. Who makes the big decisions in your family?
    9. What are some rules you have in your family?
    10. What are some activities that your family does together?

    G. TALKING ABOUT EDUCATION (Tentang Pendidikan)

    1. Do you know tt what age do children start to go to school in Indonesia?
    2. Is education mandatory (children MUST go to school) inour country? If so, until what age?
    3. Are most schools coeducational (boys and girls study together) in our country?
    4. What did you like to study most in your school days? Why?
    5. Did you have to do a lot of homework when you were a student?
    6. What makes a "good student"?
    7. What makes a "good teacher"?
    8. Do you think your education was helpful to you? Why or why not?

    H. TALKING ABOUT COMPUTERS (Tentang Komputer)

    1. Do you have your own computer or do you only use the computer at work or school?
    2. Can you remember the first time you used a computer?
    3. How often do you use the Internet?
    4. What kind of websites do you visit most often?
    5. Do you ever do "live chat", either with text of voice?
    6. Would you rather use a desktop computer or a laptop?
    7. What software do you use most often?
    8. Which of these activities do you most often do with your computer – listen to music, watch videos, play games, chat with friends, read the news, send email, or edit photos?
    9. Can you repair a broken computer?
    10.  Do you understand hardware or software of a computer?

    I. TALKING ABOUT CREATIVITY (Tentang Kreatifitas)

    1. Do you think you are a creative person?
    2. Can you give examples how you are, or are not, creative?
    3. Were you more creative as a child or are you more creative now?
    4. What are some things that creative people can do well?
    5. Who is the most creative person you know? What kind of things does he or she do?
    6. Do you think it's possible to teach people how to be more creative?
    7. What do you think is the true value of creativity in our society?
    8. Do you think the number of creative people in the world is increasing or decreasing?


    1. Do you ever worry about the environment?
    2. Have you read or heard any news stories recently about the environment?
    3. What are the biggest environmental problems in our country?
    4. What are the biggest environmental problems in the world?
    5. Is there a problem with clean water in our country? If so, why is there a problem?
    6. Is there a problem with clean air in our country? If so, what are the reasons for that?

    K. TALKING ABOUT GOALS (tentang Tujuan)

    1. Do you usually have clear goals that you want to achieve?
    2. What is your biggest goal for the near future?
    3. What do you hope to achieve in the next ten years?
    4. Have you ever tried writing down your goals? (Some people say writing down your goals will help make you successful!)
    5. Do you have any big "life goals"? What are they?
    6. What are some disadvantages of setting specific goals? Try to think of several reasons.
    7. What is your biggest goal in life? Why is that your biggest goal?
    8. What are the different goals that women and men might have?


    1. Have you ever lied before?
    2. Would you ever tell a "white lie"? (A lie told to make someone feel better.)
    3. In your opinion, why is honesty important?
    4. When have you been lied to? How did you feel then?
    5. Is there anyone you know who is completely honest all of the time?
    6. Is there any way we can know for sure when somebody is lying to us?
    7. If honesty is so important, why is it sometimes difficult to be honest?
    8. When is it all right to just tell a "half truth"?
    9. Do you think a good worker should be fired if it is discovered he lied during his job interview? Why or why not?


    1. What are some examples of good manners?
    2. What are some examples of bad manners?
    3. What are good table manners in your country?
    4. What are some good manners related to using a cell phone?
    5. What should you say after you sneeze? Or if you bump into somebody? Or if you are late?
    6. Can you think of good manners that might be bad in another country?
    7. Do you think manners are different for city people and country people? If so, explain how.
    8. Do you think people need better manners when they drive? Why or why not?
    9. In your opinion, do people have better manners now than they did 50 years ago? What about 100 or 200 years ago?
    10. How can we successfully teach good manners to our children?
    11. What advice about manners would you give to a foreigner visiting our country?

    N. TALKING ABOUT GETTING A JOB (Mendapatkan Sebuah Pekerjaan)

    1. At what age do people usually start working in our country?
    2. When do people usually retire (finish their whole career) in our country?
    3. How do people start looking for a job in our country? (What do they do first?)
    4. What kind of work do you like to do?
    5. What kind of people do you like to work with?
    6. What is the typical work week in our country? (How many hours per week?)
    7. Do you like to do overtime work (for extra pay, of course!) and other extra projects?
    8. Is it easy right now to find a job? Why or why not?
    9. What are the most "prestigious" (giving people respect) jobs in your country?
    10. What can we do to be more "employable"? (How can we be more attractive to employers?)
    11. Do you think women should work after getting married? Why or why not?
    12. What do you think of a job with lots of meetings? Are meetings useful or a waste of time? What makes a "good" meeting?
    13. How do you feel about working on evenings or weekends? Should this be against the law? Defend your answer!
    14. How important is it to have a good boss? What makes a good boss?
    15. What would be your "ideal" job? (The very best job you could imagine.)
    16. For you, what would be the worst job you could imagine?

    O. TALKING ABOUT CRIME (Tentang Kriminal)

    1. Is there a lot of crime near where you live?
    2. Are there any parts of your city or town where it is too dangerous to walk alone at night?
    3. Do you always lock your house or apartment at night?
    4. What are the most common crimes in your country?
    5. Is there "organized crime" (criminal gangs) in your country?
    6. What is the punishment for murder in your country?
    7. Do you know anyone who has been the victim of a crime? Tell us about it.
    8. Have there been any famous crimes in the news recently?
    9. What can be the government do to try to reduce crime?
    10. Is there anything we as individuals can do to reduce crime?
    11. Do you think there it is helpful for policemen to carry guns? Why or why not?
    12. Do you think capital punishment (the death penalty) is helpful in reducing crime? Why or why not?
    13. Can you guess whether there will be more or less crime in the future? Why do you think that?


    1. Do you know any famous charities (groups that help other, less fortunate people)?
    2. Have you ever given money to a charity such as the Red Cross, the World Wildlife Fund, or Green Peace?
    3. Do you know any other registered charities?
    4. What problems do such charities deal with?
    5. Is there a "homeless shelter" (a place for homeless people to sleep and get food) in your hometown?
    6. Do you give money to beggars or homeless people? Why or why not?
    7. If you give money to beggars or homeless people, about how much do you give?
    8. How do you know if a beggar is a real beggar?
    9. Do you think it's acceptable for children to work late at night selling flowers and singing?
    10. Who should pay to help the poor, individuals or government organizations?
    11. Some people think charity encourages some people to be lazy. Do you agree or disagree?

    Q. TALKING ABOUT BIRTHDAYS (Tentang Ulang Tahun)

    1. In which month is your birthday?
    2. How do you celebrate your birthday?
    3. Are birthday cakes a tradition in our country?
    4. Generally, how are birthdays celebrated in other countries?
    5. Have you ever been to a "surprise party"? Do you think such parties are interesting?
    6. What is the best birthday present you have ever received? Why?
    7. Do you think we should celebrate birthdays with a party? Why or why not?
    8. Do you think your date of birth can affect your personality?

    R. TALKING ABOUT FOOD (Tentang Makanan)

    1. What are the most common foods in your village/city?
    2. Does your hometown have different foods than the rest of the country?
    3. What is the biggest meal of the day in your city/village?
    4. Are you a good cook? What's your best dish?
    5. Do you usually eat meals with your family?
    6. How often do you "eat out" (in restaurants, out of your home)?
    7. Do you sometimes eat fast food? Why or why not?
    8. What foods do you like best - fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, bread or rice?
    9. Are there any foods that you hate? If so, what?
    10. What is your favorite food? Why?
    11. What are some popular snacks in your village/city?
    12. Are there any foods that you wouldn't eat as a child that you eat now?
    13. Which countries do you think have the best food? What about the worst food?
    14. Have you ever eaten dog meat or horse meat? Would you like to try them?
    15. What are some unhealthy foods that we should avoid?
    16. Why do people eat them even though they are unhealthy?

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